Friday, November 16, 2007

Scars of Mental Anguish

This person was confined to a “close management” control unit after seeking anti-depressant medication and the possibility to see a psychiatrist.
“I decided to let you know my experience of what may amount to torture, or at least in the public eye, as I am convinced that I bear the scars of mental anguish…I did not eat for ten days due to a hunger strike. While being held as a suicidal [I only received] a shroud of a short blanket for warmth in a freezing cell (suicide alert prisoners often do not receive sheets or long blankets). Over a month elapsed and in that time period I was beaten with the fist by two officers. I was made to stand barefoot on the concrete floor while an inmate shaved my face with electric clippers that shocked my face. I could feel the electricity run from my chin to my earlobe. The pain was excruciating, and my plea for it to stop was met with laughter and threats of reprisal. …The struggle of survival didn’t end there. The next year or more has been met with physical and mental abuse where I had to rescue myself…I sit in a cell the size of a small bathroom with blinds over the window for over a year and the memory of isolation I know will linger…The anguish of incarceration, separation and careless custody and control must be met with a strong mind…because peace of mind they will take…if you aren’t exercising peace in the midst of evil.”


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow this is a very powerful testimony. We who are lead to believe that the US encourages justice and human rights worldwide have a lot to learn about incarceration and its lack of justice in our own country. It would be nice if we started our quest for worldwide justice here at home....

12:15 PM  
Blogger Eremite said...

A) It's one side of a 2 sided story
B) The answer to "why is this prisoner in CM" is as usual left unanswered.

7:04 AM  

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